Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.5 Stump Grinding Stumps and surface roots over 3 inches in diameter within 5 feet of the main stump shall be ground and removed to a minimum depth of eight (8) inches below grade. 1.6 Backfilling Within twenty-four hours after grinding of a tree stump and surface roots, the contractor shall remove all stump grindings and associated debris from the site. Removal and legal disposal of debris generated by work described in this contract shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Contractor shall also remove and dispose of any flag left by utility companies who respond to locate requests. The site shall be restored the same day grindings are removed; otherwise the site shall be properly barricaded overnight to ensure the safety of the public. On Fridays, Saturdays or the day before a holiday, all holes shall be backfilled so as to not leave holes open over the weekend or holiday. 1.7 Restoration The contractor shall supply quality topsoil, free from weeds and debris, to fill the hole after wood chips and debris are removed. The topsoil shall be properly leveled and mechanically compacted so as to ensure a minimum amount of settlement of the backfill material. The disturbed areas shall be seeded with a turf grass seed mix blend of bluegrass, rye grass, and fescue. Seed shall be lightly raked into the topsoil and then covered with a pellet mulch (e.g., EZ 13 Mulch or better) or hydro-mulch. No erosion control mats (or blankets) may be used. 1.8 Contractor shall restore and/or repair, at the Contractor’s expense, all damaged infrastructure back to its preexisting condition if damage was caused by their activities.