Specifications include, but are not limited to: The work to be done is the renovation of the Tulip Toren Monument located in Central Park in Pella, Iowa to include: 1. Remove existing concrete. Reset drain to proper height. Compact 3/4" clean limestone in area to create a base for a new 4" concrete slab. Pour new concrete slab with #4 bar at 16" o.c. and decorative concrete finish. 2. Repair basement beam. Remove loose concrete on the underside of beam. Remove (wire brush) rusted reinforcing steel. Epoxy coat reinforcing steel. Epoxy coat reinforcing bar. Prime area to prepare for epoxy concrete. Install epoxy concrete in the shape of original beam. After epoxy concrete cures, install acrylic base coat. Install glass fiber reinforcing. Install an acrylic topcoat. 3. Bead blast steel columns. Seal with Tnemec paint. 4. Remove rust from bridge portion. Repaint to match existing. 5. Waterblast (light cleaning, 600psi) entire exposed aggregate portion of towers. Once cleaned, seal with breathable sealer. Repair decorative paintings in area to match original. 6. Remove all sealant from joints. Replace with new backer rod and sealant. 7. Remove plantings around area. Replace with decorative concrete that slopes away from the area. Use expansion board next to walls of pedestal. Color and stamped pattern as selected by owner. 8. Remove air registers from base of pedestal. Replace with new metal louvers. Repair pedestal. Concrete to match existing color and texture. 9. Apply new acrylic top cote to all walking surfaces. Remove and replace all sealant with backer rod and new sealant. 10. Repaint doors to basement.