Specifications include, but are not limited to: The project is the reclamation of the Vanderzyl East AML site in Marion County Iowa. The site is located approximately 3 miles southeast of Monroe, 0.5 mile south of Iowa Hwy 163 and 2 miles west of Otley. In general, the work includes, but is not limited to, impoundment discharge, clearing, grubbing, excavation, culvert construction, channel construction, pipe installation, sediment and erosion control, and permanent seeding. Bid quantities include but are not limited to 29.5 acres of clearing and site preparation; 320,600 cubic yards of excavation; 5,300 cubic yards select borrow; 3,500 cubic yards controlled general fill; 6,300 lineal feet of terrace construction; 309 tons of Class E riprap; 5,940 square feet of Hybrid Turf Instant Armor (HTIA) mat; and 28.4 acres of permanent upland pasture seeding. A complete list of bid items is provided with the plans. The anticipated cost of construction to reclaim the site is expected to range from $900,000 to $1,150,000.