3.2.1 Vendor shall be able to provide 10Gb or 25GB or 40Gb or 100Gb wavelength circuits between the Equinix CH3, and either Bluebird Data Center or Scott Community College locations. 3.2.2 Vendor must provide their fiber route map that shows the routes to be used between, either: Equinix CH3 and BlueBird Data Center. Equinix CH3 and the ICN FOTS room within Scott Community College. 3.2.3 Vendor shall identify the optics being used to interface with the ICN. 3.2.4 Vendor shall confirm it operates an industry standards based optical network. 3.2.6 Transport cannot use a fiber route that goes through Cedar Rapids, IA., St. Louis, Mo., Kansas City, MO. 3.2.7 Vendor shall provide it’s toll free phone number for technical assistance and confirm it is available twenty-four (24) hour per day, seven (7) day per week for technical assistance. 3.2.8 Vendor shall confirm it provides dedicated private line service with no over subscription. 3.2.9 Vendor shall certify that all one-time and recurring costs associated with the service are included in the Vendor’s bid proposal. 3.2.10 Vendor must offer and include in their response credit allowances for Service Level Agreements (SLA) on uptime, loss and latency. (Can be a separate attachment) 3.2.11 Vendor must provide its Escalation procedures for troubles. 3.2.12 Vendor shall acknowledge it will provide notifications of planned network maintenance of 72 hours or more. 3.2.13 Vendor must provide a list of the main electronic equipment used by the Vendor to provide this service. 3.2.14 The Vendor must provide a sample invoice for the service it is offering.