This project, at approximate 1.5 AC of disturbed area, includes a paved public plaza that generally consists of a multi-zoned recirculating system of nearly 50 water features and jets powered by five (5) 5 horsepower pumps. The pumps and other equipment for the recirculating system are housed within a pump room in a new prefabricated restroom facility as well as in a new below-grade concrete surge tank nearby. The project includes amenities and custom features throughout, including the fabrication and installation of a custom sculpture designed by a local artist to be fabricated and installed by the artist's preselected fabricator, custom interpretive signage, multiple types of site furnishings, lighting and power pedestals, an outdoor rinse station, plantings and other custom elements. Other major bid items include approximately 1300 SY of modified subbase, 300 LF of trenched storm sewer, 200 LF of subdrain, 360 LF of trenched water service pipe, 230 LF of trenchless water service pipe, 1200 SY of 5-inch PCC