Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Respond to all referrals, at minimum by telephone, within twenty-four (24) hours to prevent abuse and/or removal of the child(ren) 2. Increase families' knowledge and access to available community resources 3. Maintain contact with families to advise of additional community based services and make appropriate referrals for the identified needs of each individual family 4. Provide or arrange transportation for families to necessary appointments 5. Provide or arrange transportation for children to respite care or out-of-home placements (accompanied by a parent or identified family support person) 6. Schedule appointments at the convenience of the family/child's schedule 7. Conduct a outcomes measurement evaluation within two (2) days of intake, and again six (6) months later as a follow up 8. Assess communication strengths, skills, and barriers during family mediation sessions and identify attainable goals in a formal family plan 9. Maintain a method of communication that is available 24/7/365 10. Communicate by phone, in person, or by email with the referring worker about the specific individualized child and family services to be provider by the contractor - within four (4) days of receipt of the referral. 11. Submit to the Dcat Coordinator a monthly itemized invoice. Invoices are to be submitted within 30 days of the end of previous month. 12. Submit quarterly performance reports to the Dcat Coordinator describing work performed. Quarterly reports will be due as follows: October 10, January 10, April 10 and July 10. Reports will, at minimum, contain performance data (listed below in performance measures) with the number of referrals received, and any barriers to achieving results that were experienced or identified. Quarterly reports should also detail information gathered from the initial evaluation in comparison to the six month evaluation. 13. Present to the Black Hawk County Dcat Board at a meeting during the fiscal year at a date and location to be determined.