Specifications include, but are not limited to: 4.2. An animal unit month (AUM) is the amount of forage needed to sustain one animal unit, or its equivalent, for one month. 4.3. One animal unit is based on the concept that a 1000-pound (454 kg) cow, is one animal unit, with such cow being assumed to consume 29 pounds (about 12 kg) of dry forage matter per day. This means 870 lbs. of air-dried grass is considered 1 AUM. In this system, a 1000 lb. animal is considered 1 AE making a 600 lb. animal 0.6 AE and a 1200 lb. animal 1.2 AE. Therefore, a 1200 lb. cow and her 300 lb. calf would be considered 1.5 AE. What this means to you is simple. You are only paying for the forage that you consume. Nothing more, nothing less. It also gives us more freedom to work within the allotment to accommodate a variety of inputs, from number of head, size of animal, and type of animal. This means we can make a much broader array of options to accommodate your operation. 4.4. Each unit will be full season grazing deferred once every 6 years. (No grazing, no forage removed, no cost to you.)