Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1.Generate a private investment of at least $20 million.2.Be mixed-use, includingdevelopment of commercial, office, and/or residential, and active ground-floor retail/restaurant/service spaces.3.Be compatible with and contribute to the economic vitality of the uses in Aggieville. 4.Create a “permeable” and transparent street-fronting ground floor design appealingto pedestrians andmaking the transition from the public sidewalk to thebuildinginteriorsinviting, drawing from traditional storefront design.5.Draw foot trafficfrom the Core of Aggieville through design, uses, and activities, ultimatelyextending the lively urban, pedestrian-orientedfeel of Aggieville down 12thStreet and around the 1200 block of Laramie Street.6.Mesh with,and take advantage of,future streetscape improvements along 12thStreet, Laramie Street, and alleyways through strategic placement of uses and street-facing façade design, function, and integration with the streetscape spaces. This is especially critical for the 12thStreet frontage, which will be converted to a programed pedestrian mall.7.Coordinate with the City on future publicimprovements along 12thStreet, Laramie Street, and alleyways, including construction timing, utility upgrades, and streetscape designelements.8.Mainly utilize the adjacent alley for automobileparkingaccess, trash and grease service, and service/deliveryentrances,while minimizing or eliminating vehicular access from Laramie Street. Automobile access from 12thStreet isimpermissible.9.Create buildings that are located and designed to provide visual interest and create enjoyable,human-scaled space.10.Contribute to the safety, security, and pedestrian friendliness of the adjacent alley, streets, and internal circulationthrough design,placement of lighting, passive securitymeasuresand visibility.