Specifications include, but are not limited to: Sedgwick County, Kansas (hereinafter referred to as “county”) is seeking a firm or firms to provide Educational Services for the Evening Reporting Center (ERC). The following objectives have been identified for this contract: 1. Acquire Educational Services for ERC meeting the parameters, conditions, and mandatory requirements presented in the document. 2. Establish contract pricing with the vendor that has the best proven “track-record” in performance, service, and customer satisfaction. 3. Acquire Educational Services for ERC with the most advantageous overall cost to the county. 4. Agree to abide by the terms and conditions of any Federal/State/County contract provisions and guidelines. 5. Have the capability of entering into a written agreement with the county, setting forth the specific terms and conditions with which the proposer must comply. 6. Provide the agency's most recent annual audit, including any single Audit Act Reports that are required of the agency (OMB A-133 or Title 2 Part 200 Uniform Guidance); or financial statement prepared by a professional accountant or accounting firm if no audit is available