Specifications include, but are not limited to: A slide has occurred on the hillside between the Moore and Tackett residences. Aside from movement of vegetation and ground on the hill, it has caused to the Tackett's driveway to crack and raise. Mr. Tackett is afraid that the slide will negatively impact his garage if allowed to continue further. To remediate this issue, 175 L.F. of 8' tall reinforced concrete wall (AML 30-60-1) will be constructed behind the Tackett residence. The material beneath the base of the wall will be wrapped in filter fabric and have a subdrain constructed as shown on the plans. To address the drainage, a 310 L.F. subdrain (AML 22-30-1) will be constructed behind the Moore residence. This subdrain will outlet into a new 12" HDPE pipe, which will connect with a new 18" HDPE that replaces an existing pipe currently on the hillside. This pipe will outlet into a new concrete dropbox (replacing an older dropbox) with new specified elevations. In addition, an open portal exists behind the Moore residence. This portal will be closed using a standard wildlife accessible portal closure (AML 40-20-2).