The modernized solution and services provided by the vendor should include the following, at minimum: 1. Show driver image and image history on driver file. 2. Integrate digital image exchange and mDL/mID into the workflow. 3. Be flexible allowing additional or new on-line/digital customer services. 4. Be flexible adding new state required functionality, such as a new law or new electronic exchange of information. An example is the manual completion entries described in “Current KY Driver Licensing” section in 2.2 Background. 5. Capture and report, at a minimum, on each credential issued by office and user. 6. Capture and report on all convictions, withdrawals and administrative entries used in KDLIS. 7. The ability to convert native(state) conviction codes to ACD codes when other states are involved. 8. Integrate with Idemia, Tyler KY, Trust for Life (T4L) on issuance process both in person and online for efficient customer experience. 9. Produce driving history 3 year and full records that can mask certain personal and data entry information. The DHR is distributed by Tyler Technologies (Tyler KY/TKY) 10.Establish a mechanism to provide data in real-time to Tyler KY for Driver Monitoring program. 11.Establish a highly configurable system to minimize support needs, examples are new convictions, suspension times, compliance periods, new fees, etc. 12.Provide a consolidated view of customer’s driving history information, image, and correspondence and provide a clearly defined process for completing customer transactions for the customer’s individual scenario. The consolidated view should integrate all the customer’s interactions with the KYTC Division of Driver License and provide relevant account information to KYTC DDL employees handling a walk-in contact, a telephone call, an e-mail query, or paper-based correspondence or on-line portals.