To provide all necessary equipment. 2. To furnish CPSB with a certificate of insurance showing vendor is covered for bodily injury and products liability (limits $1 Million/$2 million) and property damage (limits $1 Million/$2 million). Vendor will also hold CPSB harmless from any loss or liability whatsoever by vendor’s use of the premises or conduct of business thereon, or condition of the premises caused by the conduct of vendor’s business. 3. To provide sufficient fresh, wholesome food as is necessary to reasonably provide refreshments for the spectators attending the event. 4. To thoroughly clean the concession’s stands and storage areas within 24 hours after each use and restore same to an orderly and sanitary condition. 5. To comply with all State and City police, fire, safety, and health laws, regulations and ordinances, and to pay all sales taxes and other taxes for which the Vendor may be liable. 6. To personally operate concessions and not assign or sublet this contract without prior written approval of the CPSB Athletic Supervisor. Vendor may use outside individuals to supplement vendor’s manpower requirements as needed. The vendor must provide sufficient personnel to supervise and operate the stadium concession facilities at all High School and Middle School Football, High School Soccer and Track events considering that some events will require more personnel than others. Staffing of other events at the discretion of CPSB to be coordinated with the CPSB Athletic Director. 7. Concession receipts shall be reconciled by the Vendor at the end of each event on a form provided by CPSB. This certification form is to be signed by the vendor’s designated contact (see #9 below) and submitted to the CPSB Finance Department within seven (7) days after each stadium usage. 8. To deposit all funds derived from sale of concessions into one bank account and make all expenditures of those funds by check from that account. 9. To designate a primary contact that will coordinate with CPSB on all financial matters related to this contract. 10. To maintain financial records on the receipt and disbursement of all concession funds in a manner that is acceptable to CPSB and to provide reasonable internal control of those funds. These records must be maintained for a minimum of five (5) years.