The professional services desired, include the following specialties: A. General Engineering Services, including civil engineering associated with the design of public infrastructure improvements, such as roadways, sidewalks, sanitary sewer systems, stormwater systems, etc. B. Traffic and Transportation Engineering, including design of traffic signals, roadway and intersection improvements; preparation of traffic studies; and review of traffic studies performed by others and submitted through the Planning Department’s Development Review process. C. Wastewater Treatment Engineering, including treatment plant and pump station design services; and SCADA control system maintenance. D. Mechanical Engineering and HVAC design services. E. Electrical Engineering, including lighting design; and review of lighting plans performed by others and submitted through the Planning Department’s Development Review process. F. Environmental Engineering and/or scientist services for hazardous waste, environmental site assessments and remediation. G. Environmental services, including wetland delineation and vernal pool surveys; and review of environmental surveys performed by others and submitted through the Planning Department’s Development Review process. H. Structural Engineering, including bridge, buildings and structures. I. Landscape Architecture Services, including the review of landscape planting plans performed by others and submitted through the Planning Department’s Development Review process. J. Construction Inspection Services. K. Land Surveying, including topographic and boundary survey services. L. Tax Mapping Services, including parcel layer shape file maintenance, generation and production of print ready tax maps, and yearly updates.