202.202 Removing Pavement Surface ±Mainline 37,500.00 SY 202.205 Rumble Strips 54,000.00 EA 203.2 Common Excavation 70.00 CY 304.1 Aggregate Subbase Course - Gravel 345.00 CY 304.14 Aggregate Base Course - Type A 260.00 CY 403.2081 Hot Mix Asphalt - 12.5 mm Nominal Maximum Size (Polymer Modified) 23,000.00 T 403.211 Hot Mix Asphalt, 9.5 mm Nominal Maximum Size (Shimming) 600.00 T 403.213 Hot Mix Asphalt, 12.5 mm Nominal Maximum Size (Base and Intermediate Base course) 1,900.00 T 409.152 Bituminous Tack Coat Trackless - Applied 20,000.00 Gal 424.3231 Asphalt Rubber Mastic Crack Sealer - Applied 36,000.00 LB 424.324 Asphalt Rubber Mastic Crack Sealer With Aggregate 4,000.00 LB 427.09 Pavement Crack Repair 300.00 LF 470.08 Berm Dropoff Correction - Grindings 41,800.00 LF 470.081 Berm Correction 2,600.00 LF 604.18 Adjusting Manhole or Catch Basin to Grade 38.00 EA