Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Maintenance of previously reclaimed areas, including regrading, removal of erosion gullies, tree planting, and removal of diversion ditches. 2. Subsidence stabilization, including backfilling of sink holes and other related subsidence features. 3. Construction of sediment and erosion control devices, including building of sediment traps and basins, construction of earthen berms, construction of perimeter control ditches (both vegetative lining and stone armored), installation of silt fence, and any other sediment control measures outlined in the 1994 MDE standards and specifications manual. 4. Removal of sediment and erosion control devices, including traps, basins, earthen dikes, ditches, silt fence, and any other devices constructed for sediment control. 5. Pond removal, including pond dewatering, backfilling, demolition and removal of outfall structures. 6. Demolition of abandoned mine structures and debris and disposal at an approved disposal site.