1. Curricular and Instructional Materials should be organized in a systemic way that is comprehensive and clear. 2. Curricular and Instructional Materials (in general editable forms like Microsoft Word or Google Docs) include materials that teachers may edit, adapt, or enrich them accordingly. 3. Teacher materials include: a. Curriculum map and overview, containing: (i) explicit directions for how to implement structural components; (ii) learning progression of instructional standards for previous, current, and future grade instruction. b. Clearly identified strategies, instructional materials, and differentiated resources that are specific to the teaching and learning of students with disabilities including students who are blind or visually impaired, deaf, or hard of hearing, and students with significant cognitive disabilities. c. Research based instructional strategies for a range of academically diverse learners explicitly identified and embedded into the core curriculum. d. Scope and sequences for instruction that explicitly outlines the various pathways available for academically diverse learners. e. Resources for scaffolding for English Language Learners (ELL) and students with disabilities in daily lessons. Preference given to student learning materials that expect practice of language domains (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) on a daily basis. f. Embedding of principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) that incorporate multiple means of representation (presentation of information/content, various formats for presenting content, i.e., video, audio, images, text, within a lesson), expression (student options for expression of what they know), and engagement (interesting and motivating ways for students to interact with the information/content. UDL identified in daily instructional teacher-facing materials, such as captioned videos, specialized formats of print materials and accessibility features with both hard copies and online). g. Grade level charts provide an at-a-glance view of when each standard is addressed.