2.2.1 Project Goals a) The Maryland Department of Natural Resources, namely the Natural Resources Police (NRP), administered promotional examinations during the month of April each year, with the next text date of approximately April 26, 2025, to designated law enforcement personnel within the Department. Examination scores are used in determining an Officer’s standing on a promotional eligibility list, in order to assist in selecting the best qualified candidates for advancement within the Department. Traditionally, the examinations test for knowledge of Departmental rules, regulations, policies, and procedures; legal issues relevant to the Department; Departmental training directives; contemporary management/supervisory principles, practices, and issues; customer service/community relations issues; and other job related knowledge, skills and abilities. b) The State is issuing this solicitation for the purposes of acquiring the services of a Contractor to develop, design, administer, analyze, and score promotional examinations for three (3) classes of work in the Department of Natural Resources Police. The Contractor will be required to perform job analyses, test development, test administration, structured interview processes and examination/assessment validation processes, complete with final statistical reports to complement these processes. The results of the examination/assessment processes will serve as the determining factor for establishing lists of candidates eligible for promotion within the Department. c) Examination/assessment validation will be required for all processes detailed in Section 3 of this document. The Contractor will be responsible for preparing validity and statistical reports and providing expert reports/testimony in the case of a legal challenge to the processes or any part of the processes listed. During the term of the Contract, the Contractor will be responsible for providing training to State personnel. The nature and extent of the training should be restricted to a “Need to Know” confidential status. Training shall be provided for panels of Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), DNR Human Resources staff, assessors and test monitors. These personnel will play a key role in developing, assessing and monitoring the tests. The Contractor will provide study materials required for the promotional examinations. Additionally, as necessary, the Contractor will be required to attend regularly scheduled meetings associated with all processes covered under the terms of this Invitation for Bid.