The FDA, or U.S. Food and Drug Administration, is responsible for ensuring the safety and efficacy of food, drugs, medical devices, and other products in the United States. The sample collection process is an important component of the FDA's regulatory oversight activities. The FDA collects samples of regulated products ready for consumption or sale, as well as in-process and raw ingredient samples, to monitor and evaluate these products for potential adulterants, or to verify the accuracy of product labeling.
Sample collection involves taking physical samples of products from warehouses, distributors, retail locations, ports of entry, or other designated holding facilities for laboratory analysis. The products being sampled may be produced in the U.S. or may be of foreign origin and have been imported into the U.S., including products originally produced in the U.S. before being exported and re-imported back into the U.S.
The results of sample collection and testing will be used by the FDA to ensure the safety and quality of products, expand knowledge of FDA regulated products and areas of concern through surveillance, and used to make regulatory decisions, such as pursuing voluntary recalls or initiating official FDA operations.