MICC – Fort Belvoir is seeking preliminary market research information from capable and reliable sources to gain knowledge of potential qualified business sources capable of performing Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System (ICIDS) preventative maintenance as well as repair, replace, and install services as described in the attached Performance Work Statement (PWS).
The Contractor shall provide qualified technicians, equipment, material, supplies, tools, transportation, supervision, and other items and/or services necessary to perform preventive and corrective maintenance, service, adjustment, and repair, replace, install, input/update software to including mapping, naming convention and database information, preform preventive and corrective maintenance, conduct 6-month Intrusion Detection System (IDS) testing, record testing results on a Department of Army Form 4930, respond to system lockouts and emergency calls, conduct system verification testing on ICIDS and all devices connected to the IDS for the Garrison and tenants located on Fort Detrick and Forest Glen. The facilities that are monitored by and are the responsibility of the Garrison Directorate of Emergency Services (DES). Electronic Security Systems (ESS) capabilities and installed equipment varies by tenant. Systems to be maintained include, but are not limited to, Integrated Commercial Intrusion Detection System (ICIDS). The contractor shall perform to the standards in this contract.
Special Qualifications: The Contractor shall provide documentation that the Contractor is a DAQ Electronics Value Added Reseller (VAR) to be eligible for winning this contract award. Non-DoD Link: https://www.daq.net/support/resellers---vars. Contractors who cannot provide the required documentation that verify their status as a DAQ Electronics VAR are not eligible to be considered for this award.