The Contractor shall develop and deliver CPR training and certification program, herein referred to as CPR Training, to High School Early Childhood class students. This CPR training program will provide students with the skills, knowledge, and ability to acquire their Child Development Associated. The CPR training program to be provided is Infant & Child Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). CPR Training – conduct a training class and certifications for identified students; 10-30 participants per session, to include certification card upon successful completion. AACPS must be provided with a copy of any training roster. Courses that are acceptable include: American Heart Association Training Training shall include Infant and Child CPR The Contractor shall administer, correct, and review quizzes and/or tests as required for the safety training program. The Contractor shall compile, analyze, and return all completed post CPR training program evaluations to the Insurance Management Office. The Contractor shall remove excess paper, used flips chart paper, and tape on walls or boards and ensure rooms are left in a neat and orderly condition