THIS IS A REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFI) ONLY - This RFI is issued solely for information and planning purposes; it does not constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or a promise to issue an RFP in the future. Solicitations are not available at this time. Requests for a solicitation will not receive a response. This notice does not constitute a commitment by the United States Government to contract for any supply or service whatsoever. All information submitted in response to this announcement is voluntary; the United States Government will not pay for information requested nor will it compensate any respondent for any cost incurred in developing information provided to the United States Government. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future RFP, if any is issued.
The Army Contracting Command -Aberdeen Proving Ground (ACC-APG), on behalf of the Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRND), is exploring options for a Contractor to manufacture, package, and deliver JBTDS Detector/Collector assemblies, Data Stations, and consumables that meet the JBTDS Performance Specification (see attachment).
The JBTDS is a lightweight, low-cost, battery operable, system designed to rapidly detect, collect, and identify airborne Biological Warfare Agents (BWAs) which are assessed to pose a threat to the Joint Force. The JBTDS will be a man-portable system that can be carried by one Warfighter. JBTDS will be a modular set of capabilities that can be utilized individually or together to provide an integrated capability set. These capabilities perform the core biological defense functions of biological aerosol detection, collection and identification.
The JBTDS provides three capabilities: Detection-Collection sensor capability, Identification capability, and Data Station (Base Station can be used interchangeably) Communications (DSC) capability. Unless otherwise specified, when the term “JBTDS” is used, it refers to all three capabilities.
The Detection-Collection sensor performs the detection and aerosol collection functions as well as communication with the DSC capability. The detection capability will automatically initiate the collection of a sample if a threat anomaly is sensed in the environment. The Detection-Collection capability includes Meteorological Sensing (MET) and Global Positioning System (GPS) capabilities, operator manuals, and consumable supplies to support a mission. The Detection-Collection sensor will be capable of operating as a stand- alone unit or as part of a remote-controlled array. The Detection-Collection sensor will be able to operate in all environments, be man- portable, and withstand transportation and long-term storage
The Data Station communications (DSC) capability consists of the necessary software and hardware to remotely monitor and control the Detection-Collection sensor capabilities when interfacing with an IP based radio. The DSC capability software may reside on existing service command control (C2) hardware or a dedicated piece of hardware. When the Detection-Collection sensors are employed as a networked array, the DSC capability will facilitate: maintenance, notification of alerts and alarms, remote control of the Detection-Collection sensor capability, and display their location. The DSC capability will be the operator’s primary interface with the Command and Control systems (JWARN and/or CBRN Sensor Command and Control (CSC2)) which is utilized to inform higher command of a biological attack. The DSC capability includes operator manuals, and consumable supplies to support a mission. The DSC capability will be able to operate in a sheltered field environment, be man portable, and withstand transportation and long-term storage.
The anticipated deliverables for this effort include:
- 3,247 JBTDS Detector collector assemblies, 425 JBTDS Data Stations, and 49,015 JBTDS consumables to be delivered over five (5) years.
- Manufacturing Plan per Data Item Description DI-MGMT-81889
- Quality Assurance Program Plan
- Procured Parts Inspection Results
- Manufactured Parts Inspection Results
- Configuration Management Plan
- Physical Configuration Audit
- First Article Test
- Integrated Logistics Support documentation corresponding to the JBTDS system configuration. As part of this, it is anticipated the Contractor will conduct all Integrated Product Support (IPS) elements for the JBTDS production systems, including analyses (to include a Failure Mode, Effects & Criticality Analysis (FMECA), Fault Tree Analysis (FTA), Maintenance Task Analysis (MTA), and Level of Repair Analysis (LORA), operator and maintenance technical manuals (TM), training support package materials, and the creation of LPD such as drawings, packaging instructions and Bill of Materials (BOM) to enable the generation of Basis of Issue Plan (BOIP) Feeder Data, and Line Item Numbers (LIN).
- Military Packaging
- Production Technical Data Package (TDP), Software Data Package (SDP), and Source Code for NBCRV SSU system to include corresponding Government Purpose Rights for the data.
- Support for Government DT/OT, either on-site or virtual, as needed, and the repair of systems damaged in testing.
- Support of sustainment activities including repairs that can be performed in the field. Sustainment support shall be provided for two years after initial fielding.
ACC-APG is seeking the following information:
- Potential Respondents shall describe how they propose to successfully deliver 3,247 JBTDS Detector/Collector assemblies, 425 Data Stations, and 49,015 Consumables over five (5) years.
- Potential Respondents shall provide a rough order of magnitude (ROM) timeline and cost required to produce the JBTDS, to include at what quantities price breaks would be attained.
- Potential Respondents shall provide a ROM cost required to deliver a production Technical Data Package for the JBTDS system and corresponding Government Purpose Rights for the data.
- Potential Respondents shall provide a ROM required to deliver a Software Data Package for the JBTDS system and corresponding Government Purpose Rights for the data.
- If potential respondents can provide an alternative system that meets or exceeds JBTDS performance requirements, provide cost per system.
- If potential respondents can provide a system that can meet most requirements, please provide system description and what requirements the system cannot meet. Also provide an estimated price per unit of what it will cost to develop the system to meet requirements.
- Potential respondents shall describe any commercial solution or development of a commercial product to meet the performance requirements.
- Potential respondents shall provide their business size.
- Potential Respondents shall recommend contract type i.e. Firm Fixed Price, Fixed Price Incentive Firm Target, Fixed Price Award Fee, Cost Plus Award Fee, etc.
- Potential Respondents shall provide a ROM cost required to deliver the Source Code for the JBTDS system and corresponding Government Purpose Rights for the code.
- Potential Respondents shall provide a ROM cost required to deliver the Logistics and sustainment support documentation as specified above.
Respondents shall not be obligated to provide the services described herein and it is understood by the United States Government that the cost estimates provided as a result of this request are "best" estimates only.
List of attachments:
- JBTDS Performance Specification PRF EA-D-10012C (Access Controlled)
- JBTDS Full Rate Production Statement of Work (draft)