Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. The services to be provided under the terms of this solicitation is for post remediation education services in homes of families that have been impacted by lead and received lead risk reduction services. B. The households selected to receive post remediation education will be identified by the City. stan C. All materials furnished under this contract shall be new and unused and provided by contractor. D. The material and services shall conform to all current Federal, State, and Local standards. E. The Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, vehicles, parts, equipment, delivery, travel, lodging, employee payroll and benefits, and all other supplies and services necessary for and incidental to furnishing the products or services specified herein, except where otherwise specified as being the responsibility of the City. F. This is requirements type contract. Goods or services will be ordered on an as-needed basis over time. G. Also, be certain to download any Attachment(s), or addenda as posted on CitiBuy, which must be taken and considered together with this solicitation, and which are considered a part hereof, the same as if specifically written herein. To ignore or overlook the attachment(s) may result in rejection of the bid submission.