5.1 Phase I - County RFP: The first phase of the scope will be to submit a joint proposal with the Commission in response to the County RFP that meets all of the County’s requirements and addresses the County’s preferences for the combined development of the Hurst Property and the Beechcrest Site. The proposal in response to the Commission’s RFP should be the basis of what will become, by November 7, that joint proposal to the County RFP. Given the time constraints, respondents should provide as much of the material that is required for the County RFP as possible, but at a minimum: 5.1.1 A description of the proposer and the full development team, including relevant experience and examples of similar projects. 5.1.2 A project pro forma, including construction sources and uses. 5.1.3 A proposed mix of prices for the units. The proposal must include at least 33 units that will meet the County’s MIHU homeownership requirements (Click here for information about the MIHU program). Preference will be given to proposals that create units that are affordable to a broad range of households, for example, including the required units above, with some units affordable to households earning not more than 60% of the County median, some not more than 70%, some not more than 80%, and some not more than 120%. 5.1.4 An outline of how the project comports with the County’s general plan, promotes the Route 1 Corridor revitalization, and benefits the community. This can be in bullet point form or otherwise less than a full written narrative provided the main points are conveyed. 5.1.5 A description of any proposed variations to the Commission’s site plan, including the addition of other properties with proposed uses, or significant changes to the number, type, size, or layout of units. 5.1.6 A timeline for the project. 5.1.7 A proposed price for both the Hurst Site and the Beechcrest Site. 5.1.8 A proposed sharing of any profits. 5.1.9 Proposed financing sources. 5.1.10 Renderings or drawings showing the potential appearance of the units to be developed. The renderings do not need to be coordinated with site plan documents at this time. 5.2 Phase II - The Development: This phase of the work will be to, jointly with the Commission, develop the site or sites as a mixed-income, homeownership project. The selected development team will be primarily responsible for: 5.2.1 Obtaining financing for the project, including providing any necessary guaranties; 5.2.2 Entitlement and permitting work; 5.2.3 Site development; 5.2.4 Construction, marketing, and sales of the homes; and 5.2.5 Post-sales follow-up. While the selected development team can expect to be responsible for all of these tasks, the Commission and the selected development team will, after winning the County’s RFP, determine how to ultimately share in the development responsibilities and any profits and fees. These include, without limitation, all development activities and financial matters, such as pre-development costs, guaranties, and proceeds.