2) Walk zone and attendance area boundaries for each school 3) Provide data from Anne Arundel County Public Schools (AACPS) on school populations and percentages assigned to bus service for each school 4) Distribute notices of project kick-off – to be provided electronically by the County Department of Public Works (DPW) directly via emails to school staff; AACPS Communications; the County Executive’s Office; and the County Council representative for the District containing each school. This will also include postings on County, AACPS, and State social media outlets along with DPW media releases. HOAs listed in the County’s records within each school’s attendance area may be contacted electronically – this will be determined after project kick-off based on anticipated cost and level of effort required. 5) Distribute all surveys to school staff and families in coordination with the A/E, school administrators, and AACPS Communications 6) Scheduling, formatting, staffing, and distribution of notices for all public outreach activities. a) Public notices to be distributed electronically by DPW directly via emails to school staff; AACPS Communications; the County Executive’s Office; and the County Council representative for the District containing each school. This will also include postings on County, AACPS, and State social media outlets along with DPW media releases. HOAs listed in the County’s records within each school’s attendance area may be contacted electronically – this will be determined after project kick-off based on anticipated cost and level of effort required...