Specifications include, but are not limited to: Operate concession stands at Parkers River Beach and/or Seagull Beach. 1.1 Parkers River Beach Concession consists of facility known as the "Snack Bar" consisting of approximately 169 square feet of floor space and an outdoor patio adjacent to back of the building, located at 152 S Shore Dr., South Yarmouth, MA 02664. 1.2 Seagull Beach Concession facility known as "5nack bar" consisting of approximately 357 square feet of floor space including a kitchen and an approximately 1625 square foot patio area hereinafter as well as two staging platforms at the eastern and middle entrances to the beach proper herein after the "Platforms." Facility locate at 125 sea Gull Rd, West Yarmouth, MA 02673. Food All meals prepared shall contribute to the patrons, welfare and shall be therapeutically and nutritionally appropriate, attractively presented, varied sufficiently to avoid boredom, and must be presented with sufficient alternatives to allow for individual differences in tastes. 10.1 All food purchased by the LICENSEE for use at the licensed location shall meet the following minimum specifications: . Meat, lamb, beef, veal USDA Choice r Pork US $1 . Poultry, eggs, dairy products Grade A o Canned vegetables . Frozen Vegetables o Fresh produce Choice Grade A #1 quality All other food purchases must be of comparable quality. 10.2 Concession service to include such items as a minimum: ice cream, water, hot beverages, variety of soft drinks, candy, chips and packaged snacks, hot dogs, hamburgers, cheeseburgers, sandwiches. 10.2 The Licensee is responsible for the receipt and storage, inventory control, and use of all food and other products consumed at the Snack Bar.