Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Product Details – The Children’s Trust Brand Strategy (FY25) The Children’s Trust has officially kicked off a five-year, organization-wide strategic plan as of July 2024. Building on messaging and marketing strategies created in 2024, we are looking to partner with an agency to help us announce our strategic plan and continue developing these messaging and marketing strategies for our target audiences. Target Audience • Primary Audience: Family Support Workforce in Massachusetts • Secondary Audience: Legislators/Policymakers/Community Leaders and Funders (focused on foundations and corporations) Objective/Purpose • Create materials to introduce and explain our five-year organization-wide strategic plan to primary and secondary target audiences (i.e., emails, landing page, overview document, webinar materials, social posts, press release, newsletter story, etc.) • Build on the messaging foundation that was developed in fiscal year 2024 • Raise awareness of family wellbeing in MA and the Children’s Trust mission o Develop an engagement strategy to drive target audiences to childrenstrustma.org where they can get more information, enroll in a training, sign up for our email list, or make a donation o Promote opportunities to get involved during key times of year, including April (Child Abuse Prevention Month) o Program focus to be determined with the Children’s Trust Marketing Team Budget: $100,000 Plan Implementation Schedule • Planning: August-September • Strategic Plan Comms Rollout: September • Messaging Rollout: January • Awareness Strategy Implementation: March/April 2. Product Details – Digital Marketing Campaign for SafeKidsThrive.org (FY25) SafeKidsThrive.org is the first-of-its-kind website designed to help youth-serving organizations create and implement child sexual abuse prevention and intervention plans. Website visitors complete a free, five-question prevention check about their organization. The site wizard then delivers a set of tailored guidelines, tools, and trainings for developing an organizational-wide plan based on the organization’s specific needs. Unique offerings and approach: • This website is the first of its kind across the nation, a useful tool to make a complex issue manageable • The website tone is “empowering” (focused on helping adults be the hero, keeping kids safe) vs. “scary” (using scare tactics, punitive, or implying official state requirements or oversight) Target Audience • Primary Audience: Administrators and staff of youth-serving agencies in Massachusetts • Secondary Audience: Parents in Massachusetts Objective/Purpose • Raise awareness of the website among primary and secondary target audiences • Drive primary and secondary target audiences to the site and encourage action: o Complete free prevention check o Download Elements of Prevention o Sign up for email o Create Learning Center account • Statewide coverage with priorities to be decided with the Children’s Trust Marketing team Budget: $100,000 – we expect that the planning will be a small portion of the total Plan Implementation Schedule • Planning: completed by the end of September • Ad Run: October through the end of June