Specifications include, but are not limited to: i. Classroom instruction must meet the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles requirements and will take place at or after 3:15 p.m., Monday through Thursday, in classrooms located at Lexington High School, 251 Waltham Street, Lexington and 146 Maple Street, Lexington or some classes could be held remotely. These arrangements can be discussed in advanced with the awarded vendor and the Director of Lexington Community Education. School Vacation Weeks could hold classes at the Central Administration Building at 146 Maple Street, Lexington, MA 02420; ii. Approximately 30 students will be trained in every session. If school start and end times change during the course of the contract, awarded vendor will be notified in advance of this change.; iii. The Driver’s Education Services program must be offered every month except August and December (i.e. September through July, for a total of 10 months). A new training session will begin each month (except August and December). The July training session will have extended hours so that all training is completed by the end of the month. ; iv. Registration of students for the driving instruction will be done online through the Driver Education Contractor website. ; d. Make-up classes will be scheduled through Lexington Community Education. If an assigned make-up class is not convenient for the student, then the student must call the Contractor to schedule the make-up class. If a student misses a class, the student is informed about and encouraged to take the next available class that offers the missed material. For students who miss regular sessions, the student will not be permitted to leave the school during school hours without the express, prior, written permission of parents and school administrators and only during a student’s free period. Contractor must disclose to registrants any penalties or fees for missed sessions at the time of registration.; e. There is a minimum enrollment of 5 students that must be met before a class can be held.