Specifications include, but are not limited to: The solicitation that is the purpose of this RFP is part of an overall Consolidated Inclusionary Rental Housing Waitlist project has been partially completed and is now in its third and final phase. Phase 1 work was conducted in 2021 and focused on waitlist design and related process issues. Phase 2 was completed in the winter of 2023 and included creating materials for organizing and facilitating five (5) meetings across the City to inform the public about the Inclusionary Rental Waitlist initiative. The Scope of Work to be completed under this RFP is focused on the procurement and implementation of a housing database and/or tool(s) needed in order to complete Phase 3 of the Consolidated Inclusionary Rental Housing Waitlist initiative. The consultant selected under this RFP and procurement process is not expected to create or implement the Consolidated Inclusionary Rental Housing Waitlist itself. The Scope of Work for this RFP includes, but is not limited to, the following deliverables: • Website design; • Website functionality; • Setup and implementation; • Administration; • Compliance management; • Performance reporting • Support Call Center supporting Owners, Managing Agents, Renters, and Housing Division Staff.