Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Concession service to include such items as a minimum, ice cream, water, soft drinks, candy, chips and packaged snacks. 2. Sample menu with proposed concession items and pricing must be submitted with proposal. Menu and pricing subject to approval by Recreation Director. 3. The Licensee must operate and maintain the food and beverage service in accordance with the license. 4. All items sold, or offered for sale, must be stored, and displayed inside the “assigned location” (exceptions to #4 must be put in writing to the Director for consideration). 5. The operator must maintain a consistently high standard of quality food and beverage service. 6. Said MOBILE BEACH CONCESSIONS operation per awarded license shall be operated in strict compliance with the Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the ordinances of the Town of Barnstable, the Barnstable Health Department and the rules and regulations of the Recreation Division. 7. MOBILE BEACH CONCESSIONS operation shall be kept in compliance with Town Health and Safety regulations. 8. Sale of tobacco, alcohol, magazines, items intended for adults only, or items otherwise prohibited for sale by Massachusetts General Laws or regulations, is strictly prohibited. 9. The Licensee shall obtain and pay for all licenses and permits necessary for the operation of said MOBILE BEACH CONCESSIONS operation. Copies of which must be submitted prior to concession operation.