Specifications include, but are not limited to: 1. Homeowner Outreach and Recruitment a. Conduct targeted outreach to low and moderate-income homeowners, with a particular emphasis on homeowners in Gateway Cities and Environmental Justice communities to make them aware of the Energy Saver Home Loan Program and how it complements and builds on other rebate and incentive programs. The selected providers will be expected to coordinate with the MassHousing marketing consultants to be hired this spring; b. Serve as a first point of contact for low- and moderate-income homeowners who are interested in making energy-related improvements to their home and seeking more information about the Program; c. Conduct bilingual or multi-lingual outreach in person and in writing to ensure that information is reaching non-English speaking households (identify languages in which organization is capable of providing service); d. Provide regular updates to MCCB™ on recruitment activities and results. 2. Coordination with Energy Services Provider and Home Decarbonization Contractors a. Introduce homeowners to Energy Services Provider and assist with scheduling home energy assessment (including coordination with MassSave® as needed); b. Assist homeowners with review and interpretation of home energy audit findings and home improvement recommendations; c. Assist homeowners in making decisions about home improvement priorities and related rebates, incentives, and tax credits; . d. Assist homeowners with selecting home improvements, choosing one or more MCCB™- approved contractors, and finalizing pricing. e. Assist homeowners with preparing rebate and incentive applications, if requested. 3. Coordination with MassHousing Lender a. Provide support for homeowners in preparing the required materials for the Energy Saver Home Loan application; b. Connect homeowner with a MassHousing approved lender. 4. Program Data Collection and Reporting a. Provide quarterly reports to MCCB™ on the status of homeowner recruitment and retention, including a description of outreach activities and data on prospective homeowner participants; b. Conduct a brief exit survey for homeowners who close a loan through the Program to assess their experience and identify major benefits as well as areas for improvement; c. Provide feedback to MCCB™ on barriers and potential mitigants to low and moderateincome homeowner participation in the Program; d. Participate in program planning and information-sharing meetings with MCCB™ and its partner agencies and contractors/consultants.