1. Secure necessary building permit(s). 2. Remove the existing PVC roof system and all associated components down to the structural decking or parapet wall substrate. 3. Install new PVC (gray) roof system and all associated components, including but not limited to: roof membrane, coverboard, insulation, vapor retarder, and edge metal. The new insulation R-value must meet current state and local building code standards. 4. Remove existing horizontal HVAC duct insulation and black EPDM roof material. 5. Install new insulation and EPDM roofing to create a weathertight enclosure on horizontal HVAC duct. 6. Remove and re-install the lightning arrestor system in way of new roof installation. 7. Install through-wall flashing, as needed. 8. Remove and replace roof drains; connect to existing leader lines. 9. Install (16) 36” x 72” walk pads at hatch opening and service areas of rooftop equipment. 10.All demo material is to be removed off site and properly disposed of by the contractor in accordance with local, state and federal laws.