Specifications include, but are not limited to: Clubhouse Services; Clubhouse Services is an intergenerational Psychosocial Rehabilitation Service that assists Members to: Increase their community integration through natural supports, interpersonal relationships, and the utilization of community resources; Become more self-sufficient through self-advocacy, education, and employment; Enhance general health and wellness; Maintain housing; Minimize and/or eliminate disparities experienced by members and communities that have historically been underserved and marginalized; and Participate fully in, and enjoy, their community of choice; Clubhouses must provide an array of supported education services to DMH Active Members. The goal of Clubhouse Education Services is to facilitate DMH Active Members’ access to, and successful completion of, educational and training opportunities in the community. ; A Clubhouse must provide to its DMH Active Members age-appropriate, culturally-responsive life skills education and workshops to promote greater independence in areas such as: financial management, securing health insurance, home management, cooking, personal care, safety, problem solving, managing stress, wellness, coping with loss, sexual health, ; Clubhouse must provide a variety of individualized housing supports to assist DMH Active Members in finding, acquiring and maintaining housing that is safe and affordable. ; A Clubhouse must: Create opportunities for DMH Active Members to learn about healthy living approaches such as and not limited to the importance of smoking cessation, healthy diet/nutrition, adequate physical activity and dual recovery; Assist DMH Active Members to acquire and utilize health insurance; Assist DMH Active Members to secure primary care health/wellness services and to access professionals in the community;