The BWL is in the early discovery phase of a potential customer engagement project and is seeking information to understand the processes and costs involved for implementation of an education center/museum style space. The project is still in the conceptual stage, and we aim to gather data to best determine the scope, budget and direction. The education center will have three distinct areas: A hands on-learning experience - This will center around “Energy 101” and “Water 101,” targeting an audience of fourth grade and older, aligning with the State of Michigan’s curriculum. The water exhibit should demonstrate how water is transported and pumped within a city or household. Energy components will include historical examples like coal, gas, solar, and battery, rather than modern energy production methods. Other exhibits should include technical and engineering elements related to the construction and maintenance of industrial equipment, and water or power lines. A historical exhibit – This will highlight the history of the Lansing Board of Water & Light (BWL) and the broader history of energy production and waterworks. We prefer to reuse BWL equipment, such as salvaged pipes, gears, and meters, though new or fabricated items are also acceptable. Classroom-style conference room – A space large enough to seat at least 40 people and up to 60 people at tables classroom style to gather groups for further discussion. It should also include a small office kitchen and bathrooms. All correspondence must be made through the Vendor Portal.