Specifications include, but are not limited to: The Benchmarking Analysis and Reporting Services project requires two distinct analyses with two phases each: Defined Contribution/Deferred Compensation (DC) Phase I - Analyze survey responses to compare defined contribution/deferred compensation plans. Phase II - Provide comprehensive annual reports and presentations on completed analyses to ORS staff and their designees. Defined Benefit (DB) systems: Phase I - Analyze survey responses to compare defined benefit systems. Phase II - Provide comprehensive annual reports and presentations on completed analyses to ORS staff and their designees. Defined Contribution/ Deferred Compensation (DC) Analysis. The Contractor must analyze DC plan survey responses to compare the effectiveness of the services being provided to the plans and participants, the cost‐effectiveness of the plans and the investment alternatives, the investment value‐added, the fiduciary processes needed for continual plan improvement, and other areas chosen by the Contractor.