1. Mark all stands according to specifications listed in the Timber Marking Specifications, and specific details obtained at the pre-work meeting. 2. All cutting and payment boundary paint lines are to be painted by the contractor in the approximate locations as shown on the map. The exterior line adjacent to state land will be painted in red. The unit lines are to be painted in yellow paint. 3. Area determination must be done for all units by contractor for the treatment area. When establishing paint lines: • Contractors are responsible for obtaining landowner permission before crossing private land. • Avoid using dead or badly damaged trees – boundary trees must last for the duration of the timber sale (up to 5-6 years). • Favor the use of reserved species such as hemlock, oak, or lesser occurring species. • Avoid using small (fast-growing) stems and those exposed to direct sunlight. • Mark Payment Unit lines so they can be seen from all sides. Management Objective: Red Pine (Mark to Cut) When marking, prioritize selection of trees to be cut in the following order: 1. Red and white pine should be considered the featured tree species, so efforts to remove red & white pine trees with obvious disease issues must be a priority. 2. Mark other species as appropriate but preserve healthy examples of all species present. 3. Do not cut any hemlock, cedar or oak, and consider releasing them wherever it is convenient to do so. 4. If cherry or paper birch are marked to cut, provide adequate space to encourage sprouting to maintain these species in the stands. 5. Leave den and nest trees. 6. Further guidance will be discussed at presale meeting. 7. Follow all guidelines set forth in “The Complete Marker”. Management Objective: Oak (Mark to Cut) When marking, prioritize selection of trees to be cut in the following order: 1. Mark trees to be cut. Favor the best future crop tree in place, regardless of species. 2. Leave den and nest trees. 3. The objective is an all age stand structure. 4. Further guidance will be discussed at presale meeting. 5. Follow all guidelines set forth in "The Complete Marker". Prescriptions • Stand 24 / PU 1; Stand 31 / PU 2: Thin stand down to 100- 120 BA. Leave all white pine and oak if found within the stand. • Stand 51 / PU 3: Mark every third row in stand or 1/3 of trees if rows are hard to follow. Harvest all jack pine, red maple and aspen if present. • Stand 61 / PU 6: Thin stand down to 60-80 BA. Harvest all merchantable aspen, maple, fir, and spruce. Favor leaving large diameter oak while marking for acorn production. • Stand 65 / PU’s 4 & 5: Thin stand down to 100-120 basal area. Leave underrepresented species in stand such as oak and white pine.