Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide interested Website Design and Development firms. The City of St. Joseph is accepting proposals and qualifications from outside consultants to redesign the existing City website (www.sjcity.com). The current website was designed in the early 2000s and was reformatted at some point, moving to a responsive layout. The website no longer meets the best management practices and standards of website design. The City is looking to update and redesign its website to more accurately demonstrate to the world how special our community is, to improve the organization and usability of the website for key stakeholder audiences (residents, property owners, business owners, tourists, city employees, partner organizations, etc.), to communicate the City’s brand more effectively, and to motivate citizens to participate in government. The goals for the website include, but are not limited to: • Improving communication between the City and its constituents, • Ease in relaying important, useful, City government information and processes to the public, • Delivering one-stop shop, e-government services, with 24-hour access to City information, forms and payment centers, • Minimizing phone calls, in-person visits, and outgoing mail that would otherwise occur without e-government services, • Promoting community and economic development, and • Enhancing the city’s image and identity.