Specifications include, but are not limited to: Phase 1 – Responsiveness and Pass/Fail Requirements The purpose of this phase is to determine if each response complies with mandatory requirements. The State will first review each proposal for responsiveness to determine if the Responder satisfies all mandatory requirements. The State will evaluate these requirements on a pass/fail basis. Mandatory Requirements. The following will be considered on a pass/fail basis: • Responses must be received by the due date and time specified in this RFP. • Response must be for the requested events dates. • The conference venue must be in St. Cloud/Waite Park area within fifty (50) miles of St. Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center located at 10 4th Ave S, St. Cloud, MN 56301. Phase 2 - Evaluate Responses Only those responses found to have met Phase 1 criteria will be considered in Phase 2. The factors and weighting on which responses will be evaluated are: 1. Acceptance of State’s Terms and Conditions 100 points 2. Cancellation Policy 100 points 3. Cost Detail 800 points 1000 points Preference points are described under Solicitation Terms and will be applied to the total score after points have been awarded. Phase 3 - Select Finalist(s) Only those responses that have been evaluated under Phase 2 shall be eligible for Phase 3. The State will make its selection based on best value, as determined by this evaluation process. The State reserves the right to pursue negotiations on any exception taken to the State’s standard terms and conditions. In the event that negotiated terms cannot be reached, the State reserves the right to terminate negotiations and begin negotiating with the next highest scoring responder or take other actions as the State deems appropriate. If the State anticipates multiple awards, the State reserves the right to negotiate with more than one Responder.