Specifications include, but are not limited to: Provide food and restaurant products, (i.e. meat, produce, groceries and supplies) for the Hyland Hills Ski Area, Elm Creek Winter Recreation Area, and other Park District facilities from a single source supplier. In addition to various food items, some non food items may be purchased hereunder. These items may be included in the group called "Paper-Disposables", “Chemical-Janitorial” and "Equipment-Smallwares". It should be clearly understood, however, that the Park District reserves the right to solicit bids and purchase these non food items from other sources in the event the quantities or pricing indicate that it would be advisable to do so. The food service functions within Three Rivers Park District are responsive to the needs of its end users, and as these needs change so will the product mix required by the Park District. Accordingly, the Park District reserves the right to make changes in the items required and to periodically adjust quantities of items listed and to add and/or delete items.