Attending Physician Duties. Examine applicants for admission to Home, as requested by Home, and provide recommendations to Home’s Admission Committee. Provide a timely, complete medical assessment with an appropriate medical care plan on all newly admitted Residents to Home, including establishing level of care, identifying mental illness if detected, and designating activity/recreational levels. Provide physical examinations for newly admitted Residents that shall be performed within five (5) days prior to admittance or within seven (7) days after admission. Perform medical review of Residents at least once every 30 days for the first 90 days after initial admission and re-admission, and every 60 days thereafter. Perform annual physicals for each Resident. Perform medical evaluations more frequently on Residents when more frequent visits are indicated by the medical record, examination of the Resident or as requested by Home. All visits shall be in accordance with statutory and regulatory requirements of the Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs, the Minnesota Department of Health, and the United States Department of Veterans Affairs. Provide primary physician services and other necessary medical services and coverage to meet the medical needs of the Home’s Residents.