1 Mass Messaging Describe system's ability to send voice, text/SMS, and email messages to 60,000 contacts in a district with 29,000 students and 4,379 employees. Detail the average time needed to complete an emergency communication to 60,000 contacts (email, text/SMS, and phone call) in a district with 29,000 students and 4,379 employees 2 Targeted Messaging Detail ability to send targeted messages including filtering contact by various identifiers and demographics 3 Multi-language Messaging Detail translation capabilities including support languages 4 One-way and Two-way Messaging Detail ability to send announcements, reminders, and have two-way conversations with families and staff 5 Push notifications Explain the system's ability to send real-time alerts and updates to user devices 6 Accessibility Features Describe system's accessibility capabilities 7 Content Creation Tools Detail ability to create newsletters, flyers, our announcements 8 Pre-designed Templates Describe pre-built templates for quick and easy message creation 9 Message Scheduling Explain the system's ability to schedule a launch time and date for a message 10 Text messaging Detail ways for quick updates or reminders via text/SMS 11 File sharing Explain ways to share documents, PDF's, images, videos, and other resources with recipients 12 Analytics Describe system's capabilities to track message delivery and user activity 14 FERPA Compliance Describe data security and compliance 17 Archiving and Search Explain capabilities to archive and search for past messages. 18 White-list and blocked emails Describe how the system can allow-list and how the system responds to blocked emails 19 Call volume capacity What is the systems call volume capacity? 21 Integration with Infinite Campus Detail how the system seamlessly integrates with Infinite Campus