1. Print publication to following specs: a. 36 page Newsletter: 32 body pages + 4 page cover pages b. Size: 8.375” x 10.8125” final size c. Stock: 70lb cover / 50lb body - satin/silk text - Minimum 10%PCW d. Ink: 2-sided, 4-color process with bleeds. e. Quantity: Match quantity to a Dakota County carrier mailing list i. Total mailed estimate 181,500 ii. In addition, add =1,600 for additional mailing needs (Cannon Falls and Northfield) and 700 delivered to Dakota County Administration Center, 1590 Highway 55, Hastings, MN 55033 iii. An additional 2,000 stitched 8pg (Your Parks center 8 pages pulled out) delivered to Dakota County Administration Center, 1590 Hwy 55, Hastings MN 55033. 2. Mail list, mail processing and postage costs 3. All delivery and freight costs 4. Mail processing: Standard presort to be Bulk mailed as ECRWSS Postal Customer. No addresses or names to be printed. Dakota County Resident list only. No businesses. File should include P.O. Boxes and exclude business addresses. All Dakota County Zip codes — exclude Cannon Falls and Northfield [separate mailing list will be supplied by Dakota County for Cannon Falls and Northfield customers that the ‘county carrier list’ does not cover addresses will need to be ink-jetted or labeled on the piece for these residents (approx. 1,425 addresses)]. Dakota County does not own a postage permit.