The Financial Statement shall be approximately four (4) broadsheets. The paper type shall be newsprint. The approximate dimensions of the Financial Statement are 11.5 x 17 inches. Minn. Stat. § 375.17, as amended must be followed. At the County’s request, the Successful Bidder will pick up approximately two thousand (2,000) copies of the preprinted Financial Statements from the County’s printing vendor, within the County Seat (City of Minneapolis). The County will pay the publisher directly for the printing costs. The Successful Bidder shall publish (insert and distribute) the preprinted Financial Statements, as directed by the County. The publication date (insertion and distribution) shall not be more than twenty-one (21) days after being informed by the County that preprinted Financial Statements are available from the County’s printing vendor. It is the Successful Bidder’s responsibility to make arrangements with the County’s printing vendor to pick up the preprinted Financial Statements for publication, so as to accomplish its responsibilities hereunder in a timely manner.