1. Scope of Work One year contract with a solid waste/recycling hauler licensed to provide commercial services in waste disposal 2. Duties The contracted vendor will collect, transport and dispose of waste and recycling materials according to the following schedule. 3. Quantity a. Quantity 2, 2 yard Front End Load dumpster for solid waste/trash b. Quantity 1, 2 yard Front End Load dumpster for recycling materials 4. Disposal Site Contract vendor must provide waste and recycling disposal site information on Exhibit D: Pricing Sheet. 5. Right to Add. The State reserves the right to increase or decrease the number and size of containers and frequency of pickup. Changes to the Contract must be agreed upon by both parties and set forth in a duly executed amendment to the Contract. The State may also revert to an “on-call” collection frequency if it is determined to be in the best interest of the State. 6. Reporting Requirements. State agencies are required by state statute to work towards a goal of recycling 60% of all solid waste generated outside the Seven (7) County Metro. State agencies located within the Seven (7) County Metro are required to work towards a goal of recycling 75% of solid waste generated. In order to track progress toward meeting this goal, the Contractor must provide the following reports: A. To the State agency: 1. Monthly report showing the actual or estimated weight, in pounds, separated by Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), recycling, and source separated organic materials collected during the reporting period. The State desires the Contractor to provide actual weights when submitting reports to the State. When truck scales are available actual weight must be reported. Reports must be made available no later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the end of the prior month. All reports must contain the date and service location. Final disposition for each material category (i.e. MSW – county landfill) must be reported at the start of the contract. If the final disposition changes during the contract, the Contractor must report the change to the State agency on the next monthly report.