The Construction Codes and Licensing Division (CCLD) of the Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) requests proposals for evaluation studies of conditions under which apartment buildings with a single means of egress above three stories up to 75 feet would achieve life safety outcomes equal to or superior to currently adopted codes. The desired outcome will be accomplished through contract(s) with external experts or an independent third party to develop a report from the above-mentioned evaluation studies and perform other functions as detailed below and in HF5247 Article 15 Section 46. Appropriation funding up to $225k. Tasks and Deliverables. • Use research techniques that include smoke modeling, egress modeling, an analysis of fire loss history in jurisdictions that have already adopted similar provisions in such buildings. • Conduct and document interviews with fire services regarding fire suppression and rescue techniques in such buildings. • Contextualize the life safety outcomes from the single-egress evaluation to life safety outcomes in other types of housing. • Consult with relevant stakeholders, including but not limited to the Minnesota Fire Chiefs Association, Minnesota Professional Firefighters Association, Fire Marshals Association of Minnesota, Association of Minnesota Building Officials, Housing First Minnesota, Center for Building in North America, and faculty from the relevant department of a university which grants degrees in fire protection engineering...