Recycling 1. Washington County encourages municipalities to follow best practices for recycling by seeking continual improvement, especially with regards to contracting efficiency and implementation ease for residents and by assuring the availability of recycling services for all residents, including residents in multi-family housing. 2. Recycling is a necessary component of waste management in Washington County. The County expects residents to incorporate recycling in the handling of discarded materials and recognizes that it is the responsibility of everyone in Washington County to achieve state recycling goals. 3. Washington County, with Ramsey/Washington Recycling & Energy (R&E), will work with municipalities, the waste and recycling industries and public entities to maximize recycling opportunities. The County will use outreach and education, planning and evaluation, regulation, financial incentives, technical assistance and consultation to accomplish recycling objectives. Food Scraps 1. Washington County, with Ramsey County and R&E, will work with local partners, private haulers, recyclers, transfer stations and other counties to divert food scraps from the residential waste stream using a variety of organics management methods, including anaerobic digestion. This will be done in a manner that ensures that all residents are aware of and have access to services. 2. Washington County, with Ramsey County and R&E, will use resources in a strategic manner to ensure that residents optimize organic waste management opportunities using outreach and education, planning and evaluation, regulation, financial incentives, technical assistance and consultation as necessary to accomplish organic waste management objectives. 3. Washington County will continue to provide free food scrap drop-off sites and will continue to support drop-off sites for residents at other locations in partnership with local entities.