Specifications include, but are not limited to: rehabilitation of the No. 8 shaft at Lake Vermilion-Soudan Underground Mine State Park. The No. 8 shaft reaches 2,341 feet below the surface. Most of the work will occur between Mine Levels 19 and 21 (between 1,500 and 2,100 feet below the ground surface). The work consists of the following: 1. Mine Levels 19 to 24 work: a. Removing and disposing of precast concrete and corrugated steel panels from the shaft structure. b. Removing and disposing of dunnage, debris, and loose rock. c. Temporary ground control for shaft rock surfaces. d. Providing resin-grouted rockbolts. e. Providing reinforced shotcrete. f. Providing structural steel to replace existing deteriorating structural steel that provides support for the mine hoist and utilities. 2. Cleaning the 27th level shaft sump (2,340 ft below the ground surface). 3. Mine Levels 1 to 19 work: a. Replace or supplement existing steel beams in localized areas.