Specifications include, but are not limited to: A. Requirements review, design feature clarity. 1. Prepare documentation defining all agreed upon features, feature functions and data requirements as an output of the functional requirements gathering meeting.; 2. Identify all Branch departments or services needed as part of the project.; B. Planning and Process Flows. 1. Define and document the development schedule to be followed for the term of this engagement.; 2. Construct a high-level functional flow diagram identifying infrastructure, IP addressing/Port requirements, and related Branch infrastructure expectations and requirements.; 3. Document all process flows, data flows, and data integration points; C. Wireframe Review -- For Proof-of-Concept Purposes. 1. Prepare user interface screens for presentation to the Branch for review and approval.; 2. Prepare necessary documentation to support screen design features and functions.; D. Integration Modifications. 1. Identify and document potential integration requirements including data, data format requirements, permissions, modification to existing systems, processes, queries, databases, etc.; 2. Identify and document all other system integration requirements including data, data formatting requirements, permissions, and modifications to existing systems, processes, queries, or databases.; E. Select Solution for Implementation. 1. The OLPR/CSB will follow a formal final evaluation process.