Specifications include, but are not limited to: Technical Requirements•Cloud based development platform with Dev, Stage and Production environments. Easily move code back and forth with backups of code and database. Integrated into a GITenvironment•Apache Solr search with granulated search results that utilize keywords to rise higher on the result list with multiple levels of weight •Responsive design with templates that can be modified •The ability to create custom forms and use data from and send data to outside databases securely, for example, an employee directory•The ability to create custom PHP code with outside database access, for example, employee biographies or program data •The ability to email from form responses and authenticate to Office365•Require Drupal 9 or 10 CMS•The ability to create custom PHP modules that will integrate into the CMS•Multiple mockup options for homepage and site styles•Post-website launch support and maintenance for two months. •Include an implementation timelineFunctional Requirements•SCTCC will provide access to Google Analytics and other data as needed to provide guidance on functional requirements•Assess menu options, display, and content. A more obvious menu bar with hover dropdowns for desktop users and hamburger menu only on mobile•Announcement or notification display for all pages with multiple options for emergencies or non-emergency notices. The notification will need to integrate into an RSS feed that comes from Blackboard•Evaluate multiple presentation options for content-heavy pages, including possible sidebar and column options. Need an option for editable layout templates to be nimble for future content.•Visual and prominent display of news and events on the homepage and evaluate the presentation of the individual news and events pages, including different filtering options for different subjects or tags. Explore a visual calendar display for events. Past events need to automatically unpublish so they do not return in search results.•Incorporate best practices for search engine optimization (SEO).•Accessibility: Incorporate best practices for accessibility. oAssess color, contrast, font size display on the site. oProvide translation options for visitors who speak other languages. oProvide read speaker options for visitors who are visually impaired. •Optimize for social sharing •Optimize for printing and save as PDF•Provide user training and a website style guide•Assess the homepage content, including, but not limited to: oSlideshow with images and video options oEmbedded SearchoNavigation menuoSticky call-to-actions with a possible X-out option per sessionoNews/events previews