With support and technical assistance from the Department, contractors will be required to perform the following tasks to achieve project deliverables: Task 1. Creation of Governance Structure Work with JTIQ partner organizations to create and maintain a governance structure that will guide the interactions of the group for the duration of the project. The governance structure will ensure that there is a clear framework for collaboration between all partners for the duration of the JTIQ process. 1. Work with partners to come to a shared understanding of each partners role and how the larger group will work together. 2. Draft a written agreement that outlines various roles, expectations for partners, accountability mechanisms, and meeting structures and frequency. 3. Finalize an agreement among all the partners that will outline a governance structure that provides for a clear framework of collaboration and decision making between all partners. 4. Facilitate activities that help to maintain governance structure. This includes coordinating internal meetings, goal settings, and updates. Deliverable 1: Agreement signed by all partners that outlines the governing structure for the JTIQ partnership. Deliverable 2: Develop materials and trainings that allow for a common understanding of requirements among JTIQ partners. Task 2. Grant Reporting and Monitoring The Department of Energy has outlined the reporting requirements for this grant in its Federal Assistance Reporting Checklist (FARC). The grant administrator will need to educate partners on federal grant reporting forms and requirements and develop an understanding of existing processes that partners already have to avoid redundancies (e.g. Regional Transmission Organizations’ project tracking processes) and ensure alignment with award objectives. This position will require working with the JTIQ partners to complete the reporting requirements outlined in the FARC.