1. Locate existing water meters, furnish and install approximately 635 Water Meters and Automated Meter Reading System, and any required meter valves, meter couplings, and meter boxes. 2. Two (2) 8” HDPE Directional Bores at Porter Bayou, 8” HDPE open-cut water line, machine taps, wet taps, ductile iron fittings, and removal and replacement of concrete surfacing, concrete curb & gutter, and bituminous asphalt surfacing, and any additional appurtenant items. 3. Approximately 2,085 Linear Feet of 6” PVC water line, HDPE directional bores, valves, ductile iron fittings, machine taps, hydrants, service reconnections, removal and replacement of concrete surfacing, concrete curb & gutter, and bituminous asphalt surfacing, and any additional appurtenant items.